在行动中,在控制中. 现在您可以管理您的帐户前所未有的!
SmartHub has several features that make managing your account as easy as possible. 无论是通过网络, 或者你的智能手机或平板电脑(Android或iOS), 你会付得起账单的, 查看使用情况, 联系客服,获取最新消息.
只要你登录, you’ll be able to view your 比尔ing history and make a payment with just a couple of clicks. 您可以看到当前的账单, 还有上个月甚至前几个季度的账单, 如果你想比较成本. Not only will you see your 比尔ing history, but you’ll be able to view your actual use. 你可以看到你的使用是如何随时间变化的, 这会让你采取措施降低你的账单吗.
通过SmartHub进行支付既快捷又方便. The first time you make a payment either through the web or through your mobile device, you’ll be able to securely store your payment information for future transactions. 下次你需要支付账单时,只需要点击几下.
你也可以在SmartHub上看到重要的通知. 你可以选择你想要的账单通知方式, 包括电子邮件和短信. You’ll even be able to set usage thresholds so that you’ll know when you’re using more than you’d like which will help you keep your electricity 比尔 as low as possible.
使用SmartHub移动应用程序报告服务问题非常简单. T在这里’s no need to call the office, just let us know about the issue with a few clicks. You can also contact us for customer service requests or with any questions you may have. 您现在可以随时随地与我们联系.
当你浏览这一页时, you’ll complete the following checklist and be on your way to managing your account like never before! 付款,报告服务中断,监控使用情况,并拯救地球.
This is your opportunity to give features like paperless 比尔ing and Auto Pay a try!
Both platforms are part of Crow Wing Power’s online account management system for members.
The website has additional functionality that allows members to manage notifications, 更新他们存储的支付方式, 并更改他们的个人信息.
Both the web version and mobile app allow members to securely access their account information, 查看账单和付款历史记录, 支付, 查看能源使用情况, 并报告故障.
The free, secure mobile app is available to download and install on mobile devices and tablets.
是的. All critical information is encrypted in every transaction run and no personal information is stored on your phone or tablet.
Mobile devices do offer you the ability to store your 登录 information for apps installed on the device. 如果您选择存储您的登录信息, 任何可以访问您的移动设备的人都可以访问您的帐户.
You can find your account number on a printed 比尔 statement mailed to your residence or business. If you have previously received emails from Crow Wing Power about your monthly 比尔 being ready to pay online, 那封邮件里有你的账号. You can also call Crow Wing Power at (218) 829-2827 or (800) 648-9401 for assistance.
*** OR ***
注意:如果您使用网上银行支付账单, we encourage you to ensure your financial institution has the updated account number.
- 在哪里可以找到您的账号 比尔.
会员可以通过登录页面注册SmartHub. 要创建一个新的在线帐户,请单击“新用户”? 在SmartHub的登录页面上注册以访问我们的自助服务网站.
- Residential members will need to have their account number on hand before starting this process.
- 商业会员将需要有他们的业务的税号.
点击“新用户”按钮后, 输入您的帐单帐号, 在请求的字段中输入姓或公司和电子邮件地址.
要注册,请点击 在这里 然后输入你的新账号,账号上的名字和电子邮件地址. 您将收到一封带有临时密码的电子邮件,您可以使用该密码登录. 一旦你用这个临时密码登录SmartHub, 系统将提示您更改密码.
What happens if my temporary password doesn’t work and/or I’m locked out before I can register? 请重新注册. 您将收到另一个临时密码,您可以再试一次. 如果你没有看到临时密码邮件,请检查你的垃圾邮件.
- 注册SmartHub 网络(pdf)
Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play on your phone or tablet and search for “SmartHub.“选择我们的免费和安全的应用程序开始下载过程.
If you have already registered via the web portal, you will be able to log into the app immediately. 如果您尚未注册,请按照以下说明进行操作.
会员可以通过 登录 页面. 要创建一个新的在线帐户,请单击“新用户”? 在SmartHub的登录页面上注册以访问我们的自助服务网站.
- Residential members will need to have their account number on hand before starting this process.
- 商业会员将需要有他们的业务的税号.
点击“新用户”按钮后, 输入您的帐单帐号, 在请求的字段中输入姓或公司和电子邮件地址.
要注册,请点击 在这里 然后输入你的新账号,账号上的名字和电子邮件地址. 您将收到一封带有临时密码的电子邮件,您可以使用该密码登录. 一旦你用这个临时密码登录SmartHub, 系统将提示您更改密码.
What happens if my temporary password doesn’t work and/or I’m locked out before I can register? 请重新注册. 您将收到另一个临时密码,您可以再试一次. 如果你没有看到临时密码邮件,请检查你的垃圾邮件.
- 下载应用程序并注册SmartHub 流动装置(pdf)
No. 它是为您的方便而提供的选项. 如果你没有在SmartHub注册无纸化账单, 您将继续收到每月的邮件账单.
您可以选择参与无纸化计费, 它会将账单对账单发送到您帐户上的电子邮件地址. Members who participate in paperless 比尔ing do not receive a copy of their 比尔 in the mail.
- 点击我的个人资料
- 点击更新我的无纸化设置.
- 然后,您可以通过选择打开或关闭无纸化账单来选择您的偏好
- 选择设置
- 选择无纸化账单设置
- 然后,您可以选择开启或关闭无纸化计费
想要无纸化账单的信息, 停机警报和使用更新直接到您的电子邮件或通过短信? 使用SmartHub更新您的通知首选项.
- 登录你的SmartHub账户
- 点击“通知”
- 单击“管理联系人”,可以添加或更改电子邮件地址和电话号码
- 添加邮件地址或电话号码
- 输入验证码激活
- 点击管理通知更新/更改短信和电子邮件提醒
有关注册SmartHub的资料,请按 在这里.
*If you sign up for text message notifications, you will still receive a paper copy of your 比尔. 如果您不希望收到纸质账单, 确保使用有效的电子邮件地址注册无纸化账单.
- 点击通知
- 管理的通知
- 计费或服务或使用
- 选择短信和/或电子邮件选项
- 登录SmartHub.
- 点击通知
- 管理的通知
- 计费或服务或使用
- 选择短信和/或电子邮件选项
Auto Pay allows you to pay your monthly 比尔 through an automated draft from your bank account or credit card at no extra charge. 通过注册自动支付, you authorize Crow Wing Power to withdraw funds from your selected account to pay your monthly 比尔 on the due date.
You can receive a 比尔 available notification through email or text message or continue to receive your 比尔 through USPS, 这样您就知道要提取的金额了.
不,你不需要注册. 我们提供它只是为了你的方便. If you prefer to mail your payment or schedule it through your bank, please do so.
You can set up auto-pay online using SmartHub or over the phone with SecurePay (844) 834-4461.
第一个, you must have provided a bank account and/or credit/debit card information to enroll in Auto Pay.
- 点击计费 & 支付
- 点击侧栏上的自动支付程序
- 点击注册自动支付
- 接受条款和条件,然后按照说明.
- 选择“支付我的账单”
- 选择自动付款计划
- 按照上面的说明操作.
You can save bank account and/or credit/debit card information for future 比尔 payments. 如果您计划参加自动付款计划, you’ll be required to provide a stored payment account to pay your Crow Wing Power 比尔.
- 点击我的个人资料
- 点击管理我存储的支付账户
- 按照说明提供银行账户或银行卡信息.
- 您可以在存储的支付帐户下添加多个银行帐户和卡.
- 选择“支付我的账单”
- 选择储存付款帐户
- 选择“添加付款方式”
- 选择您要提供的信用卡或银行账户信息类型
- 按照说明提供银行账户或银行卡信息.
No. You can take advantage of all the features of SmartHub or you can continue to pay your 比尔 as you currently do.
在网站上, the home 页面 shows all of your accounts along with the amounts due for those accounts and links to other detailed information.
在应用程序上,选择Pay My Bill图标. 将显示所有帐户的到期总额. You can select different information by account, such as partial payment and payment method.
You can also make a payment to a single account or partial payments to all accounts by clicking on the Billing & 支付按钮. You can also select the Make 支付按钮 to view payment options for your accounts. 在应用程序上,选择支付我的账单图标. 如果你要支付全部到期金额,点击“支付”按钮. 如果你是部分付款, 点击支付部分金额, 点击账户,调整支付金额.
You can report a power outage by calling [phone number] or reporting an outage through the [name] website at [url] or mobile app.
- 登录你的SmartHub账户
- 单击右上角的报告问题/查询
- 选择其他问题/一般查询按钮
- 从下拉菜单中选择您的问题或查询
- 提供所要求的信息
- 选择提交.
- 您可以在网站上查看您的请求或查询的状态.
- 登录你的SmartHub账户
- 选择TG反波胆足球平台
- 从菜单中选择您的问题或查询
- 请提供所要求的信息
- 选择提交.
随着合作社的不断发展, 对会员提供更好的信息的需求也是如此. These enhancements are ways we can provide a higher level of member satisfaction for the majority of our members.
所有这些变化都在合作社的正常经营预算范围内. 关于这些变化,将不会有费率的增加.
- 点击我的使用情况
- 选择我的用法
- 然后选择用法TG反波胆足球平台管理器
- 选择能源使用图标来查看你的能源使用情况.
然而, 如果你让你的应用或网页版本长时间打开, you should refresh the 页面 by selecting a new option in order to ensure the information is current.
Major projects often provide scammers with opportunities to steal your personal information.
请知道,在整个沟通过程中, 我们永远不会打电话或发邮件要求您提供信用卡号码, 银行账户转接号码或任何其他类型的个人信息.
If you do receive such communication from someone claiming to be a [name] Employee, 请以[电邮地址]向我们举报。
如果您在探索SmartHub的功能时遇到任何问题, 我们很乐意为您解答任何问题!
Address邮编:123 Main Street, City, St, Zip
电话: (555) 555-1234